Terra, Locke, Edgar, and Celes can equip it. This weapon is ignored by the Optimize option in the equipment menu. Ultima Weapon is incompatible with Bushido, Runic, the Gauntlet, and it cannot be thrown. Another Ultima Weapon can be stolen from Rest during the final battle (in the GBA and mobile/Steam versions, it can be stolen multiple times by fighting it more than once). The original appearance of the weapon, the Ultima Weapon (originally translated as Atma Weapon in the SNES and PlayStation releases) is found in the Cave to the Sealed Gate. The Ultima Weapon's design in the remake is now based off the weapon's design from Final Fantasy VI. It is the strongest sword, carrying the same parameters from the original versions.

In the 3D remakes, the Ultima Weapon now drops from Lunar Bahamut, due to the removal of the Ultima Weapon boss. Cecil, Golbez, Ceodore, and Kain can equip it. It has an Attack power of 180, and gives +10 to Strength, Speed, and Stamina. Unlike other incarnations of the weapon, it takes the form of a modest, dark blue iron sword. The Ultima Weapon is dropped by the boss of the same name.
In the Windows Phone and Steam versions an achievement can be gained for obtaining the Ultima Weapon, named "One Sword to Slay Them All". When equipped, it boosts all stats by 15, rivaling the stat boost of the Celestial Gloves, and has an Attack bonus of 155, making it the second-most powerful weapon in the game after the Onion Sword. The Ultima Weapon can be equipped by the Freelancer, Warrior, Knight, Dark Knight, Red Mage, and Onion Knight classes. The party obtains the Orichalcum after defeating Aeon in Cid's basement and give it to the Legendary Smith in Falgabard. It is a reward from the Mognet sidequests "Fix Sara's Pendant" and "Find Orichalcum". The Ultima Weapon can be obtained in the 3D remake versions. It is obtained in a treasure chest after defeating Death Gaze in Whisperwind Cove. The Attack and Accuracy increases are equal to the wielder's max HP divided by 10. Its damage is based on the user's HP, having a maximum Attack power of 100 (rounded up from 99.9). Besides the Masamune, it is the only weapon that can be equipped by all upgraded classes. The Ultima Weapon appears in the Dawn of Souls and subsequent remakes. 1.23 Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon.1.15.3 Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia.1.12.1 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time.1.11.1 Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.1.6.1 Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII.